Saturday, October 29

Blast Theory Visit

Went into town today for two main reasons:

1. Go to see the Blast Theory performance at the National Museum. (Part of the 'May You Live In Interesting Times' festival)

2. Go get haircut.

After number one though, I ended up with a cut like Paul here on the left! Why do I do these things to myself?!

Anyway; Lou, Liz, James and myself went to see the Blast Theory exhibit, I was especially interested because this field is something I would like to look into further for my final project.

to be honest, I wasn't really impressed with it.

The concept is exceptionally good and the use of the technology is amazing but for game play and fun, it was quite boring.

I understand that the designers only had a short period of time to map the city area, but after only a few minutes I was looking around due to lack of interest.

The reasons for this were:
  • the character you play was basically a dot.
  • you can run at like 1mph.
  • you fall down holes that you can't see.
  • at the end of the day your just looking at a screen.

The best thing to do would be outside running around chasing these crazy people.

Children seemed to pick up the concept quite quickly, with a little help, which I found interesting.

I never did get round to number 2 either.

Briefs and Lecture Notes


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