John Wilson

Founder of the Welsh Community Wireless Network, Co-founder of Access to Broadband Campaign (ABC). Winner of the 2003 CNET Networks Outstanding Contribution to UK Technology Award. Chair of the Wales Broadband Stakeholder Group's Wireless SIG group. Co-founder of Open Spectrum UK.
Today's lecture with John Wilson can be summed up in one word, long. What he presented was really interesting, but might have been better if it was fitted into an hour slot.
John spoke to us about the policy surrounding the radio spectrum, as well as trying to get broadband into rural areas. 3G technologies were also discussed. What I most got out of the talk was how one man could do so much, and have such an impact in so many areas. Johns work was a true inspiration to anyone that wants to get something done and or who wants to tell big businesses how things should be.
Throughout his presentation John mentioned many important people or issues in his specialised area, so I have compiled a little list of some of them:
Management Spectrum Policy
Peter Cockrane - former Head of BT technologies
David Reed - End to End Theory
Net Neutrality
Lawrence Lessig
David Issenburg - Rise of the Stupid Network
Walter Benjamin
Diagram- elements of media

Woolofsky x
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