Friday, September 30

Design For Interactive Media - Techniquest Brief

After a little cycle (and skids) on the way to techniquest I was ready for it! Unfortunately what I wasnt ready for were hundreds of screaming kids!

Anyway while I was thinking how I never got to see the 'real world' of design on my old course and how good it was to do something differnt and not just sit in a lecture and be bored into the ground.

Click the title to download this paper:

Techniquest Brief "Analysis of the Spectrum Analyser"

Briefs and Lecture Notes

Sunday, September 25

Design For Interactive Media - Work/ Journals and Magazines

Context!Context! It's all about the context.

This is very true, and to show this I have written a short analysis about which magazines and journals my essay titled "Are toys and tools or film and television New Media's closest living relations?", could be placed in.

Click the title to download this paper:

Monday, September 19

Design For Interactive Media - Summer Brief

This introduction to DFIM was a good way to get my brain motoring after a few months of letting it lie dormant. It was also a good oppourtunity to buy lots of shiny new books with crisp pages just waiting to be read. Will let you know when I get round to that! Only joking :)

Click the title to download this paper:

Sunday, September 18

Design For Interactive Media - Work

Hello there, how kind of you to drop in...

I've never written a blog before so please be patient with my incompetence!

Peace on the Streets


Briefs and Lecture Notes