Saturday, October 29

Blast Theory Visit

Went into town today for two main reasons:

1. Go to see the Blast Theory performance at the National Museum. (Part of the 'May You Live In Interesting Times' festival)

2. Go get haircut.

After number one though, I ended up with a cut like Paul here on the left! Why do I do these things to myself?!

Anyway; Lou, Liz, James and myself went to see the Blast Theory exhibit, I was especially interested because this field is something I would like to look into further for my final project.

to be honest, I wasn't really impressed with it.

The concept is exceptionally good and the use of the technology is amazing but for game play and fun, it was quite boring.

I understand that the designers only had a short period of time to map the city area, but after only a few minutes I was looking around due to lack of interest.

The reasons for this were:
  • the character you play was basically a dot.
  • you can run at like 1mph.
  • you fall down holes that you can't see.
  • at the end of the day your just looking at a screen.

The best thing to do would be outside running around chasing these crazy people.

Children seemed to pick up the concept quite quickly, with a little help, which I found interesting.

I never did get round to number 2 either.

Briefs and Lecture Notes

Wednesday, October 26

Phew - it's over!

Presentation Time

Well, after waiting until everyone else (literally) had done theirs I got my chance, and I have no idea how it went!

It seemed like it only took seconds and my placement went right out the window but everyone said it went well. I hope I got the message across even though I 'ummed' about a thousand times. I think the little video helped people to understand the concept more though.

Louise's presentation was also on MIXIS applications and was really good. It even had moving pens, and I learned a lot even though we had read the same paper.

Other presentations I found interesting where Dudley's and Carol's, which was was concerned with the Citizens Advice Bureau and how their kiosk wasn't successful due to the users being computer illiterate. This fact was neglected in the design. (Ref: Gov't database about local communities- very useful)

I was also interested by various people presentations into tracking the eye and seeing where it automatically goes to on the screen. I love biology mixed with physiology and design.

Anyway, I can't tell if my presentation was an overall success, but I hope so.

Briefs and Lecture Notes

Presentation Day

Today's the day!

Later on I have to present my findings from Brief Four "Critique of paper "“Mixed Interaction Spaces –-expanding the interaction space with mobile devices"” .

I think most people are using Powerpoint for their presentations, but I feel its really limiting due to its lack of support for embedding video, which I am including.

Instead I have used Dreamweaver to create pages which can be viewed remotely. I have also added video (and soundtrack-which I created) to the presentation as I believe if the viewer can use as many human sences as possible the better the result.

Wish me luck!

ps/ click here for the presentation > MIXIS Presentation

Briefs and Lecture Notes

Tuesday, October 18

Design For Interactive Media - Brief Four

For part of my final project I hope to expore the field of Wi-Fi and Communications technologies. To get a good understanding of that area I decided to write my critique on MIXIS and some applications that can be used with this technology.

Although the title may sound dull, it's actually quite interesting!

Click the title to download this paper:

Critique of paper “Mixed Interaction Spaces – expanding the interaction space with mobile devices”

Sunday, October 2

Design For Interactive Media - UCI Brief

Hello again, how nice of you to tune into my little part of the web.

Playing in arcades is always something I've enjoyed, so doing this as a piece of work.
Lovely Jubbly!

Click the title to download this paper: